
Day by day dreams

Brand identity and logo design for a small, fine-art centered etsy shop

Etsy is a powerful site which can be easily leveraged by designers, artists, and craftsmen to create and sell designs of their own making. With that purpose in mind, I was tasked with creating an identity which reflected the unique personality and traits of the artists which will be featured on the shop.

Much of the artwork and personality has a gritty, textured feel to it. With so much grit and personality we wanted to make sure that was reflected in the logo. The easy answer was to create a logo mark which took its inspiration from the artwork itself. I quickly realized that this wouldn’t allow us to scale the products or artists down the road. For that reason we went with a bit more modern approach and hand lettered the logo, making sure to leave some of the slight imperfections in the mark. The logo, coupled with some of the other logo ideas as support illustrations provides us with a fun, vibrant personality which accurately portrays the brand and its desired emotion.

Services Provided

“Just make sure that it looks good.”

# of hours spent drawing my head


I realized very quickly that I have an oddly shaped head.

# of rejected logos thrown in the trash


I still can't say its perfect but its imperfections add a lot to the personality of the brand

# of puns using the last name day


Every day is a great day when your last name is day.

Logos & Variations

Brand Colors



Etsy Page


Need more magic?

Thats great! I keep myself pretty active over social media so feel free to follow me on any one of these platforms. I’d be happy to keep in touch and even respond, rebound, retweet, reblog, or reply to anything you might have!

If you’re looking to hire me for work feel free to Contact me.